You Can't Waste Love
"Watch what God does, and then do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that."
Ephesians 5:1-2 (The Message)
In a world that seeks to complicate our existence and leaves so many with confusion and frustration Paul instead speaks of a simplistic lifestyle of learning and loving. As God is our father and we are his children, we are challenged to learn from Him and then do what He does.
This illustration makes a lot of sense when I put it into the context of parenthood. My children watch what I do, what I say, how I respond to others and they often times mimic what they see and hear. They do this simply because I am their father and there is an innate desire within them to be like dad. Unfortunately I'm not always pleased with what they see and hear come out of dad and I am often humbled and reminded about the weight of my role. Especially when my four year old corrects me by saying, "Dad, don't say stupid!" The bottom line is children watch and repeat what they often see in their parents and we being God's children are called to do the same with our Heavenly Father.
I like how the love of God is not cautious, but instead is described as being extravagant. What a great visual word. In other passages of scripture God's love is said to be "lavished upon us", or "poured out to all." Extravagant, lavished, poured out, these descriptives tell us that God has held nothing back from us. He has loved us beyond measure. So love is not to be stingy, careful, or cautious. We are to let the love of God that has been poured into us flow out of us and into every person we come in contact with. We are to be channels of God's love, not sewers.
In order to learn from God my father I must willingly stop, listen, learn and then respond. So many times my love is full of ulterior motives instead of being purely unconditional. God desires to teach me how to love like Him and how to live "a life of love." Love should be seen in all we do; it should drip off of us like sweet honey, like beautiful fragrant perfume that fills up a room. Love is present in its strongest form not because of what we have done, but because of what He has done for us. Love is present, when He is present. Pure and true love points to the Father, for He is love.
Lord, I want to learn form you. Father teach me to walk in your footsteps. I want to bear the mark of your identity upon my heart. That people would be able to see the family resemblance, that they would see the image of my Father. Teach me to live a life of love, to be a channel that your love can pour through and into the lives of others. I am your child, I am still learning. I don't know it all and I desperately need you. Help me to slow my pace long enough to sit at your feet and listen, learn, live and love. Teach me today, Father. I love you!
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much, Bill, for publishing these SOAPs. I printed out your previous one and shared it with my pastor. He really liked it. He wants to use SOAP too. Is that okay for me to print them out and show them to people? I need to get your email address from Nate again so I don't have to ask questions over blogs comments lol.
Also, do your middle school/high school ppl use SOAP too? I was thinking of trying it in youth Bible study.
At 10:45 PM,
Rev60 said…
You are more than welcome to print these out as examples. I would love to talk with you more in depth about it. There is a youth version and a kids version which the only difference is in the length of the scripture reading for the day. Otherwise everything else is the same. They follow the same reading list, but just a little shorter. There is also a new believers journal. I'll call Nate and get you email from him so we can talk more about it.
At 2:11 AM,
hannahjoy said…
Rereading this, I just realized you posted MY FAVORITE passage I've read so far in the message. I think I wrote about it in a previous blog about Josiah. Woohoo.
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