Go Big Or Go Home
Okay after like a two week hiatus I'm back in the blogging world. Sorry to say that all this time out of play has not increased the flow of good ideas that are worth posting about or you taking the time to read about. However, if you have come to set your expectations low before reading my posts guess what, you won't be disappointed by what's ahead. So here it goes.
What is up with everything going small these days. When did we suddenly awaken to the reality that to be cool and cutting edge we must keep getting smaller and smaller. You look around and everything seems to be following this trend. It's not enough to have the Motorola Razr, but now there's the Sliver (maybe someone will comeback on that with the Splinter). With iPod's you've got the 5g then the Mini, next up the Nano and don't forget the Shuffle. On a recent SNL sketch Steve Jobs was the host and made fun of himself by pretending to introduce the iPod Micro, Pequeno and Invisi. We've got mini oreos, mini m&m's, and pretty much a mini version of everything out there. I think ad guys are running out of ideas, seriously. I mean if I have to start using a magnifying glass to place a call to my mom or eat a handful of snacks something is majorly jacked up.
Now I've gotta hand it to M&M's. They have obviously faced facts and realized that there's only so far you can go with small before you've gotta go BIG!!! That's right, awakened from slumber the ad wizards strike back with the Mega M&M. Whoooooo Baby, what genius. I'm perspiring just thinking about it (which isn't saying a lot since I sweat brushing my teeth).
Now I have yet to consume any of these Mega chocolate morsels, but I'm sure there awesome. If you've had some let me know cause I'm curious as to the packaging. Has the packaging gotten bigger or stayed the same size. Cause if it's stayed the same I'm thinking when you buy a package you must get like 3 M&M's which would really stink no matter how big they come. Who is going to eat just 3 M&M's.
Anyhoo, to wrap up, it appears as if small is out and big is in. Which means bring back the Ghetto Blasters and The Brick phones. It's time to junk that Sony Handicam and dust off the Sony Portapak. BIG IS ... ummmm... well... BIG!
At 7:51 AM, Heth said…
Sign me up for a life time supply of those mega M&M's.
At 8:51 AM, Angela said…
I have seen the M&M's - they don't come in single-serve packs yet, though. I think an experiment is in order - Wal-Mart, here we come!
At 9:17 AM, iridium said…
I gotta defend the Razr...it's not a small phone...just thin.
But I agree, there are a lot of areas in life where things are trending towards tiny. Shoot even M&Ms went mini.
Maybe we need to have a technology revolt! Rotary phones and console tvs watched from the davenport.
OH OH...I know....BIG HAIR!!!!!
At 1:48 PM, Rev60 said…
Yeah I lose out on the whole big hair thing. Although I have been thinking of snagging one of those Winter Olympic hats that has the hair coming out of the top of it. I think I might look pretty sweet.
At 2:28 PM, Anonymous said…
It's the whole 80's thing. Big hair, big poofy bunched up socks, big leg warmers...I don't miss the 80's. I've had way too many embarrassing 'tween moments in the 80's. No more 80's. I like now. That makes me think of that 80's song by Van Halen maybe? called "Right Now."
At 8:47 PM, Rev60 said…
You see the 80's won't die! The 80's are here to stay. You can't leave em behind because they keep coming back. Uh oh, I feel a song coming on. "Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore..." Come on you know you know the words.
At 11:24 PM, Amie said…
I've forgotten what I started fightin' for....
And no, you're right. I wouldn't eat three M&Ms. I eat things in pairs. I might eat just two. But the Lays commercial drives me nuts - cause I'd never eat just one anyway. Why don't they serve mini helpings of food when you go out to eat? Now that is getting to be mega! Harry and I can split a meal, and STILL have leftovers.
C o m e O n !!!
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